We are having a late summer barbecue today in the gardens of the old schoolhouse.
Volunteers and staff of the National Trust Strangford Lough group have been invited.
We are meeting at the old Schoolhouse on Mount Stewart estate, County Down.
The former estate schoolhouse is located at Portaferry Road on the Ards Peninsula.
Half of it is now used as an office and tool-store; the other, as accommodation.
I made some fresh coleslaw as my modest contribution towards the occasion (white cabbage, onion, carrot, a little mustard, pinch of caster sugar, seasoning).
There is an interesting stone plaque at the front entrance, which proclaims
This School was Founded ..... 1813 by the Viscountess Castlereagh. The Governors of Erasmus Smith Schools.
This thrills me and I do appreciate this kind gesture from a charitable establishment which is dear to me.
Well done Timbo! VC
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, VC. Feeling my age. What a vintage!