Sunday, 22 March 2015

Portballintrae Visit

This morning, donning the favourite herringbone tweed jacket, woollen scarf, and gloves, I walked to Seaport harbour.

This picturesque little quay is private. It ised to belong to the Leslies, a landed family who built Seaport Lodge, above the harbour, as a holiday home.

The Leslies, of Leslie Hill, County Antrim, were major landowners in the county.

Today the lodge, now derelict, and the harbour both belong to Seymour Sweeney.

Mr Sweeney also owns the former stables, familiarly known today as Sweeney's bar.

The bar-restaurant has been closed for many months, awaiting a new tenant, it is expected.

Masses of razor-wire lines Seaport harbour, presumably to deter trespassers.

I'm in no doubt that this is effective, though, alas, it detracts from the beauty of the place.


  1. Unspeakable... no more to say.

  2. I need to correct the impressions given. Leslie's Quay. The beach and 80% of the quay belong to Causeway Coast and Glens Council. Mr Sweeny has illegally placed razor wire on public land but due to a "Close working relationship between Sweeny and certain officials" the council has refused to take any action against the Sweeney Family.

    Portballintrae community are fighting to regain access to this famous beauty sport but it is an uphill struggle.

  3. If indeed the beach and 80 o/o of the quay belong to Causeway Coast and Glens Council, why hasn't the said razor wire, ILLEGALLY placed on Public land, been removed before now. This is an absolute disgrace and makes Portballintrae look like Colditz of he North. I find it very sad that Seymour Sweeney has turned out to be the person he now appears to be, given he was such a friendly, bubbly child with such winning ways in his past. Jim Sweeney, a likeable, local character of Portballintrae, would be dismayed to say the least, at what is happening to the 'Port' .
