Friday 19 August 2011


I received a message from an anonymous reader, suggesting that I explore the good work of the Belfast Buildings Preservation Trust (BBPT).

BBPT was founded in 1996 to protect, secure and enhance Belfast’s historic fabric and character. The Trust’s goal is to facilitate physical and social regeneration by using historic buildings. 

The Trust’s creation in 1996 was in response to arson attacks on two noteworthy buildings in Belfast. Having been badly damaged in arson attacks, St Patrick’s School and Christchurch were at risk of demolition.

Fionnuala Jay-O’Boyle CBE, the first woman to chair Belfast Civic Trust, collected a group of people intent on action.

The BBPT endeavours to promote and encourage a stronger public consciousness of the importance of heritage-led regeneration to Belfast’s historic character.

I am glad that this organisation has been brought to my attention.

I hope to reveal the fine work that the Trust does through the Blog and I look forward to writing about some of their projects.

1 comment:

  1. Tim, there is a new website for renting some of the Blakiston-Houstons' properties, see No pictures of Beltrim Castle though. VC
