Friday 23 December 2011

Prince Philip Unwell

My thoughts and prayers are tonight with Prince Philip.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said the Duke of Edinburgh was undergoing “precautionary tests” for chest pains at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge.

His Royal Highness was taken to hospital from Sandringham, Norfolk, where the Royal Family traditionally spends its Christmas break.

In 2008 Prince Philip was treated for a serious chest infection after struggling with a cold.

On that occasion HRH stayed at the private King Edward VII’s Hospital in London.


  1. wonderful to wake up to news this morning he is doing fine. what a great chap he is gaffs n all lets hope he goes for a hell of a long time yet!! J.

  2. Whilst he may not be the model patient, his humour should overcome any trouble!

  3. Colonel in Chief, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Army Cadet Force (ACF) Wishing our Colonel in Chief a speedy recovery
