Thursday 13 September 2012

Island Taggart

Island Taggart was my destination today.

Island Taggart is a property inalienably held by the National Trust. It lies between Ringdufferin directly to its north and Killyleagh, the nearest substantive village, to the south.

The island is one mile long and a quarter of a mile wide at its widest point; a total area of about 85 acres, acquired in 1984 from Patrick and Kathleen Mackie.

Our task was to excavate a pond on the north-western side of the island; and this we did with gusto.

There were six of us.

Most of the day was spent digging with spades, mattock and crow-bar.

I spotted a tiny, worm-sized eel in the pond during the day.

For lunch I had a home-made chicken salad wrap.

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