Saturday 20 April 2013

Café Smart

This is my very first missive from the iPad. The sun is shining, the lark is on the wing, and it is a beautiful morning.
I could not work out how to transfer images from the iPad to the blog, as yet, so I emailed them to my email address and uploaded them from my main computer at home. There is doubtless an "app" for importing photos to blogs from iPads.
I motored the short distance - I really ought to have cycled - to Belmont Road, where I ambled in to Café Smart.

This is a lovely, bright, cheerful coffee-house. 

I ascended the stairs and sat on a leather sofa in the upstairs lounge. There were three other customers here, though it was only about 10am.

A very agreeable waitress appeared and immediately provided me with the wi-fi address for my iPad, which connected instantaneously.

I ordered a regular mocha coffee and a fruit scone. 

I have to say that the coffee and scone were both presented impeccably. The coffee tasted superlative to me. The scone was freshly baked and filled with a fair amount of fruit.

I was provided with two pats of Ulster butter and home-made raspberry jam.

On my departure, the downstairs area was almost full.


  1. Your Lordship, welcome to iPad world. Classes are available, at no cost, in the Apple store in the Victoria Square complex in Belfast. Just download the "app" and book a time.

  2. Anon,

    Thanks so much. My cousin has suggested an app called Dropbox, which I've downloaded to my iPad and PC.

    Fingers crossed... :-)

  3. Try Blogsy. It is very easy to use.
