Tuesday 3 November 2015

Bombay Masala

Last night I dined at an old favourite, the Bombay Masala Indian restaurant.

This little establishment is tucked away in a sort of alley off Music Square, Corralejo.

I tend to dine early, so most restaurants are quiet at that time.

The Bombay Masala was established in 1998 by Mr Rekha M Jaunkani.

They all greet me cordially every time I darken the threshold, even after six months.

I sit at my usual table. There are about nine tables inside.

This restaurant is very simply furnished indeed, so it's the food and hospitality of the staff that matter in this instance.

I fancied the onion bhajias as a starter, though knew I couldn't do justice to the rest of the meal.

Hence, I went straight for the chicken korma with Pilau rice and some peschwari naan bread.

Needless to say, it was all up to the usual standard. The ancient nose-bag was working flat out.

My bill came to about €17.

Thence I ambled along Calle Iglesia - Church Street - to the Bar Bouganville, where I was again greeted warmly.

Patrons are brought a bowl of crisps. Wifi strength is very good here, too.

Maria, the owner, was off duty last night.

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