Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Moreton Hall

Whilst scanning some documents recently I happened upon an entry for the Ogilbys of Ardnargle and Pellipar House in County Londonderry.
Charles Tuller Garland was an American citizen who later served with the British Army in the Great War and was owner of Moreton Hall in Warwickshire (now part of Mid-Warwickshire College). Moreton Hall is a listed Georgian-styled Edwardian mansion built in the early 1900s.

Garland, founder of the National City Bank in New York, USA, died in 1921 and the Moreton Hall estate was purchased by Lieutenant-Colonel Robert James Leslie Ogilby DSO JP DL (1880-1964).

In 2009 a disastrous fire broke out at the Hall, causing £6 million worth of damage.

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