Thursday, 27 February 2014

McCutcheon's Field

I was out with the National Trust Strangford Lough Group of volunteers today. We met a place known as McCutcheon's Field.

This comprises several acres of coastline at Brigg's Rocks and close to Sandeel Bay, in north County Down.

There's a holiday park here called Windsor Caravan Park.

Today we were clearing gorse in the area.

The remaining gorse stumps were coated with a powerful herbicide called Grazon.

There are stonechats and greenfinches in the area.


Anonymous said...

Lord B, there is a very useful documentary on Ballywalter Estate by Viscount Crichton on the iPlayer, see - VC

Timothy Belmont said...

Good to hear from you, VC.

Yes, I have it downloaded on the iPad and will view it soon!
