Thursday, 3 July 2008

Sanitized Bothy Minus Fire And Cooker

On Saturday, whilst on Salt Island in Strangford Lough, we ambled from one side of the island to the other. In the middle there was a makeshift dump the builders were using for discarded stuff, like the old gas cooker.

Sadly the cooker shan't be replaced in the renovated bothy; campers must make their own cooking arrangements. There may not even be any gas cylinders. As I alluded to earlier, the open fire has been replaced by an enclosed wood-burner. So no more cosy log fires.

To be fair, many of these new regulations have been imposed upon the National Trust by Government bodies like the Health and Safety Executive.

For instance, if there's an organized youth party camping at the bothy, any other campers must stay elsewhere on the island (more regulations).

Ah well, we'll see how it all works in practice.

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