Thursday, 8 May 2014

Scotch Fillet

Belmont has done it again. The mighty gnashers have worked wonders. Mind you, the exquisite fillet of beef did not require my robust teeth.

My old, late pal, Bedford, used to send his lovely Duchess out for a Big Mac and a few fries; so, I ask myself, why, on earth, should Belmont not attach the old nose-bag for a dainty beef fillet, with chunky chips, the onion rings, a little coleslaw with celery, broccoli, and tomato?

There's a considerable spoonful of bearnaise sauce, for good measure.

Too late, my friends, for if you darken the threshold of Belmont GHQ instanter, the plate is empty and the noble earl is satisfied, in a gastronomic sense, at least.

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