Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Taggart Pond

 I spent the day with five others on Island Taggart in Strangford lough.

Island Taggart is now a property inalienably held by the National Trust. It lies between Ringdufferin directly to its north and Killyleagh, the nearest substantive village, to the south. The island is one mile long and a quarter of a mile wide at its broadest point; a total area of 94 acres.

Today we were digging out the old pond at the north-west of the island, beside a tiny ruinous dwelling. The pond features on an old map. We made very good progress and must have excavated several tons of earth.

The old neck still aches slightly! Timothy Belmont enjoyed a beaker or two of Assam tea, accompanied by smoked salmon sandwiches, for lunch.

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