Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Hand-Sown Gloves

The old brogues remained shiny and dry today, Timothy Belmont having paid a visit to the optician's for an examination of the right eye again. My left eye has almost perfect vision; so I've asked them to see if they can zap the right one again.

A pretty blonde examined me. Of course, I couldn't help myself and thought of something nice to say to her; so remarked upon her beautiful necklace. My eyes eventually fell down to her left hand and her fourth finger wore a diamond ring. No matter.

I do tend to get dry eyes, though; particularly upon waking from the nocturnal slumber. They gave me some ointment.

I have an appointment with the ophthalmic surgeon in early February.

We shall see.

A new pair of formal black leather gloves was on the shopping-list, so I revisited the House of Fraser, where I saw a good little pair of hand-sown Dent's gloves, at £55; though reduced by 20%.

What a shame that House of Fraser, including their flagship store, Harrod's, was sold to Fayed in 1985; the consequence of which has been that Harrod's is no longer part of the House of Fraser group.

Alas, I mislaid one of my other black leather gloves in the Mad Pierre's automobile one night after a knees-up in town, before Christmas.

1 comment :

Jack Plane said...

I didn't realise Dents grew gloves; I always assumed they were sewn.