What a lovely spell of weather we've been having! I've switched off the central heating, donned a pair of shorts and polo shirt, wheeled out the bike and, this morning, I rode to Ballyhackamore library to see the Which? magazines. The May edition isn't out yet; I notice that, in the April edition, the Panasonic TX37 LZD70 got top marks. It's a LCD telly.
From the library, I wheeled the bike past Rouge Wine Bar - has anyone tried it recently? - and cycled up Belmont Church Road. I sauntered in to the Golden Crumb home bakery for a few of their jam doughnuts; the sausage-rolls caught my eye and I took three of those too.
It'll be sausage-rolls, onion mash and sweetcorn for dinner tonight. Comfort grub. And sixty lengths at the old school.
The Bedlington terrier: a good family pet
6 hours ago
Tim, whoa, what of the Dowager?
She's confined to bed & they're awaiting the result of a blood test. Initial diagnosis: osteoarthritis in knee. She cannot walk; GP & social services have been to see her.
Thank you for asking Roger.
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