Tesco's building-site store at Knocknagoney, Belfast, was giving away free samples yesterday, viz. Nestlé Oat Cheerios. They were in mini, 30g cereal packets.
When we got home, the Dowager remarked about the 50p off voucher at the back of the packet.
I have eaten them this morning and, I can say, I'm nonplussed about them! They are perfectly acceptable; just not sufficiently tasty to persuade me to change from my current cereals.
About the voucher: on closer inspection I noticed "ROI Only" on it, and what we had misread as 50p Off really said 50c - Euro cents - Off. I felt swindled! Presumably the big cereal manufacturers all have strong connections with the Irish Republic. Tesco, it is thought, are not doing so well there during the Recession; I expect they're attempting to get rid of these surplus free samples in Northern Ireland. I have no idea.
Nestlé UK holds a royal warrant and there is no evidence of this on Nestlé's mini Cheerio packet. There is, however, a UK phone number (as well as the Eire one).
No matter. We shan't be buying the Cheerios again at any rate. Still, I appreciated their gesture of a free sample.
A Prize for Bravery
8 hours ago
It is quite common for cereal packets bought here in England to have 2 sets of coupons printed inside - one in £s and one in euros. Kellogs Special K flakes are a good example. The cereal manufacturers must have a joint UK/ROI marketing operation. However, free samples of these cereals, frequently given out at the major London railway stations during the rush hours, normally only contain coupons valid in the UK.
Ah ha! So London railway stations are a good source of freebies. Must remember that.
Sadly my Nestlé pack only had one coupon for euros.
Tara arrived home the other day with a packet of Good Little Sausages, given to her at the door of Tesco. 85% outdoor bred British pork (prime cuts only), preservative free, no artificial colours of stabilisers, 12.5% fat (pretty low, I believe), and for every packet purchased a donation is given to Christian Aid to give enough grain to feed a person for 2 weeks in the developing world.
Better than that, though, they're gluten free, so both myself and Ryan can enjoy them. We've just finished our packet of not-very-nice Tesco Free-from sausages, so will be opening these little beauts tomorrow. Will let you know our opinion.
You lucky devil! :-)
I never get anything for free.... :(
It only normally occurs with me if I help myself to those edible samples of cheese or things on cocktail sticks at counters!
We can console ourselves by reckoning that most of the free stuff may not as excellent as we may think! I still think that the stuff which has stood the test of time, namely Kit-Kat etc, is original and best!
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