Lord Belmont had 582 "page loads" yesterday: 226 unique visitors, 55 returning visitors. This represents the highest daily number of visitors since my blog began in December, 2007. 60% of visitors were from Canada yesterday, as a matter of interest. I am particularly pleased to welcome our Canadian cousins to the Earldom!
I just wish to express my gratitude to readers and friends, many of whom doubtless encounter me by accident!
As ever, I am delighted to receive positive contributions from everyone. I am sorry that I have had to continue with comment moderation because Eva from Romania still sends the odd love epistle to Prince William; and I received one mere irrelevant comment from someone calling themselves "Lady Rich Bitch", which was singularly offensive and obnoxious.
Thank you.
Pheasant-leg confit with bay and juniper
16 hours ago
1 comment :
How did the BHS dinner go? Would I have known many? I'd have gone, but didn't know who'd be there.
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