An old pal of mine, whom we last met and enjoyed a snifter or three with at Lusty Beg Island in Lough Erne, County Fermanagh - Ulster's Lakeland - has posted a characteristically thought-provoking message for readers here. Fitzi provides his thoughts on Opera in Northern Ireland.
Having once been an esteemed columnist on Captain Bill Henderson's Newsletter newspaper, he has, without a doubt, immeasurably more insight and knowledge of these matters than me - or should that be I - , let alone the Worthies who now control opera in Northern Ireland; nor is he ever short of an opinion or two.
Fitzi, now that I have made contact with you, please keep in touch with the odd comment on the blog. I'm absolutely delighted to hear from you.
I meant to add that, if I disapprove of any forthcoming new arrangements which omit the Castle Ward format, I simply shan't support the Arts Council, viz. not buying tickets!
Tim, i see you are still not home yet....I have tried to leave comments on your blog, having no success. Darling Son sorted out the problem. So i am hoping this finds it way to you.
Hope you get home soon.
Regards Kim
Got you loud and clear, Kim!
Which county do you live in? Re Lacoste polo shirts, £20 sounds too good to be true, to me. There are, indeed, very good replicas or fakes about. Differences would be subtle, like cheaper buttons, vaguer croc logo etc. The Internet has a lot of info, if you Google "fake lacoste" or "genuine lacoste polo".
Great it's working.
I'm living in Templepatrick, in co. Antrim.
Will do a bit of research before returning to Makro.Will let you know if i found a bargain.
Thanks for the advice.
Reagards Kim
Your in the Belfast telegraph emailed you the link.
Did you see my little bit about Castle Upton; and another piece about the viscountcy of Templetown?
Belfast Cabby,
Brilliant! Thanks a million for letting me know. I had no idea.
Tim,i have only read up to mid 2008,i will cheat and have a wee look for that post later tonight.
You just have so many interesting bits of info, i just don't want to miss anything.
Have been making notes of places to eat and visit. Sad i know.
Safe home, if you ever get here.
Regards Kim
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