For those readers who have never heard of Strandtown, it is a locality within the Earldom on the outskirts of east Belfast.
The only major supermarket in Strandtown, at 1 Belmont Road, viz. Tesco, closed down almost exactly eight weeks ago to the day.
Cognizant of the effect on trade pertaining to this closure; that such a popular store acted as a kind of hub; and the consequences re "through-traffic", I wondered how the closure had effected traders? Has there been a noticeable decline in trade? Or is it just "business as usual"?
One implausible "spin-off" has been less delay at the Gelston's Corner traffic lights, because there have been fewer pedestrians needing to cross the road! Has anyone else noticed this?
Trade must be down in general or up if you are the butcher and veg man, they are getting my trade these days after Tesco's departure.
It may be a good spot for my new venture but will have to look at rents etc on the upper end of the road.
I hear that a Mace store has opened just above the Gourmet Burger Bank. A few pence dearer than Tesco, but convenient if those in the vicinity run out of milk or bread!
I live just around the corner there is far less traffic. The reason tescos closed is thier lease was up. Was told they tried to squeeze the landlord into giving cheaper rent by threating to leave. Would love have been there when he said fine see ya.
Ha ha! They're tough. :-)
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