Wednesday 13 February 2008

Divis Walk

What a fine day it is. The sun is shining; blue sky; no breeze at all. We impulsively decided to drive up to the National Trust's wonderful amenity above Belfast, Divis and the Black Mountain.

The Trust has constructed a fairly new car park which is spacious; indeed there were only a few cars there when we arrived. I put on my hiking boots and set off. I passed the old farmhouse and its outbuildings, Divis Lodge which still awaits restoration by the Trust. They've put a temporary but robust roof on it for protection.

I ambled onwards towards the Divis Transmitter and veered leftwards, along the path which eventually led me to a wooden post indicating a left turn, onto the heathland. It was squelchy enough. This circular route eventually takes the walker back to the main track close to Divis Lodge.

I'm glad I made the effort; it was so glorious today. I saw a flock of hooded crows, roughly a dozen, along the way. Fine birds, the hoodies: there's a picture of one above.

It must have taken us a good half-hour to get home, what with the heavy traffic.

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