It does what it says on the tin, so the saying goes. We've been to GBB several times since it opened some years ago. I don't think it has changed, so full marks for consistency. It used to be a bank, and my late uncle was one of its last Managers. This afternoon we sat close to where his office would have been!
We arrived about three o'clock. There were about a dozen other diners, and we were given a choice of tables; we chose Table Twelve.
We ordered a Blue Cheese Burger with coleslaw and onion rings; a Junior Chicken which, take note, was free-range; tea and water. The burger cost £6.50; the coleslaw £2; and the onion rings £2.25. Tea was £1.20.
The portions in this establishment are generous, so arrive with a good appetite. My burger was meaty and dressed with plenty of lettuce, onion and tomato; there was a tomato relish too. The baps were large with sesame seeds. The French-fried onions were home-made, just the right size and tasty. They came in a little bowl, as did the coleslaw which was exceedingly creamy. I mustn't grumble though: I enjoyed it! I merely managed to finish my meal, having left about one third of the coleslaw. My English breakfast tea was good and came in a small tea-pot.
The Dowager had Junior Chicken at £3.75. I'd like to see a kid finishing this, because it was generous: free-range chicken breast, fries, garnish and a bap. It filled the plate.
The service is no-nonsense here and efficient enough. I left them a tip of about ten per cent.
Incidentally, I recall that this building was a car showroom in the seventies.
Our total bill amounted to £15.70. I had to stop at the nearest petrol station on the way home for a fiver's worth of petrol; I was in the red (I'll fill up at Grand Parade where the petrol is cheaper).
Game shooting in Spain
8 hours ago
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