It may - or may not - have been noticed that I have been endeavouring to make some gradual and minor improvements to LBNI. I am happy with its fundamental layout; I do not believe in altering something unless there is a particularly good reason! So the ethos shan't change.
I have added a Contact Me section. There is now a Followers section, too. They are on the left-hand side of my blog. It seems fair that, if anyone seeks to visit LBNI occasionally - or even regularly - they might wish to consider adding themselves to the list!
LBNI seems to be increasing its number of visitors; I am in no doubt that many stumble across his lordship accidentally when searching about a particular subject. My feet and shins ought to be constantly aching. At any rate, visits this month are currently 3,071; that's about 162 a day.
I am open to suggestions as to how the format of LBNI could be enhanced. I read other blogs and I have no idea how they operate some of their features!
Pheasant-leg confit with bay and juniper
21 hours ago
I'm an ex-pat and discovered your blog via Google search for opening hours at Tesco of Knocknagoney, during a recent visit to the Province! I read your blog primarily for the references to places long missed (not including Tescos), and to get a glimpse of the Belfast scene that my friends there currently enjoy. Also, your outlook and interests often reflect those of my father, an old Instonian, who is prone to a little "pompous old fart-ism" himself (no offence!).
I read your blog via RSS feed, so have no comment to make on your upgrades. A couple of other notes though - don't you think that all that haggling over a gym membership is somewhat unseemly for his Lordship?! And - this may seem strange to you, but having read through your archives, I was convinced that "the Dowager" was your wife, when a recent post indicated that she is in fact... your mother??! Hope I've got it right this time!
Thanks for keeping your posts brief and frequent, they make for snappy and interesting reading.
The Dowager is, indeed, Mater!
I'm hopeless at haggling; otherwise they'd have made me a better offer. I cannot really haggle, to be honest.
Thanks for the kind words, by the way.
My uncle was President of the Old Instonians a year ago. He was born in 1927 or thereabouts. He was a great ulster rugby player in his youth, too.
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