I'd seriously considered dining out yesterday evening before the show, which began at seven-thirty. I perused Deane's dinner menu online, noticing that they automatically add ten per-cent to your bill as a service charge, whether you like it or not. Still, it was tempting; however, in the event, I opted to have a meal at home - a very good prawn open salad - instead.
I left home at about six-twenty. Following my usual habit, I made a bee-line for the Piano Bar upstairs in the Europa hotel. I don't like the opera house extension at all; the lounge-bar at the hotel is much more comfortable and opulent. There was a good choice of seats too, at that time: I found an armchair overlooking the Crown Bar on Great Victoria Street.
I finished the restorative and, at seven twenty-five, shimmered across the street to the theatre. Managing to avoid the horrible extension, I entered, took a hard-left, and strode straight through to the original splendid building. My pew tonight was B23 in the dress circle.
It was a good seat. The auditorium was almost full. I was seated beside two very pretty girls, somewhat younger than me! The one beside me seemed preoccupied with her mobile phone.
I knew that my aunt and our friend, Ann, would be there so, at the interval, I scanned the seating and, sure enough, they were not far away at all; in row C of the dress circle. Hurdling over the row, I ventured over for a chat with them during the interval.
The show itself,
Orpheus In The Underworld, was, I thought, another fine production by
Belfast Operatic Company. Indeed, several of the characters were quite outstanding. The chorus deserves praise too. Most enjoyable.
So it turned out a jolly good evening. I arrived home about ten-thirty.