Thursday 7 January 2010


I must have been mad to venture up to the old school last night, what with the treacherous conditions. Still, I had sent them an email inquiring if the swimming-pool was operating; and they replied in the affirmative.

I motored up the windy drive carefully, parked the car and stepped out in the Brashers into the relative warmth of the sports complex.

I could possibly perform this routine with my eyes closed; I've been doing it for thirty years!

The changing-room was empty. No surprise there. One of the sixth-form attendants was on duty at the pool, so all augured well.

Shock, horror, surprise! The water was quite warm and temperate, so I jumped in, equipped with the trusty goggles and nose-clip; and began the age-old swim of sixty lengths.

I had the 25-metre pool to myself, apart from the headmaster and his young family arriving at about 45 lengths into my swim. Then a nice, hot shower. Done!

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