Several days ago I revisited El Castillo del Tostón, a small fort perched on top of the cliff at E Cotillo, Fuerteventura.
It stands in a commanding position and is approached by a dusty track.
Toston Castle stands on the periphery of the village, dating from the late 16th century.
Toston Castle stands on the periphery of the village, dating from the late 16th century.
The roof-top is ascended by steep stone steps; whereas the ground floor, down more steps, has a modest gallery with exhibits and souvenirs for sale.
The entrance fee remains €1.50.
this Island sounds a nice place to be x even if the weather not the best... xx Me.
It's really quite a pleasant island - a few hippie types, "let-your-hair-all-hang-out kind of rot.
Pity re the weather, though. It's cloudy and slightly cool today, or so far at least!
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