Horror of all horrors! Timothy Belmont is considering some kind of occupation. If there happen to be any billionaire readers out there prepared to sponsor me or whatever, let me know.
I am not yet of pensionable age; I believe I am physically fit and healthy. To be quite truthful, I'd like a little more money.
I think I'd be quite keen to spend more time in the capital, London. I enjoy the feeling of heritage, its life.
The Blog - my passion - makes no profit at all. Not a penny.
Having some kind of occupation could have an impact on the amount of research I can do for the Blog.
In an ideal situation, sponsorship from reputable establishments which reflect my values and do not clash with my ethos; being able to travel to properties I write about, exploring them and photographing houses, ruins and other places of interest, whilst getting an appropriate income for this, without compromising my freedom to express my own views, might be one means of achieving a satisfactory outcome.
This is all tentative. I can carry on regardless, as usual; though these are my thoughts.
Hidden fishing
8 hours ago
I still think you should write a good 'coffee table' book, eg 'Lord Belmont's Estates of Ulster' in time for next Christmas. You could do a good few things to leverage the Lord Belmont brand, without changing the nature of the blog, and enabling you to devote more time to your studies. Eg a lecturing tour of North America, guided tours of Northern Ireland's more private stately homes. Maybe approach some of the cruise liners that come into Belfast. That would be a good start. VC
In fact, you could also sell a bespoke range of customised Lord Belmont articles. A tie would be easy to create, maybe a scarf for the ladies. You can further develop the line to include useful items such as embossed hip flasks or shooting sticks. Just some ideas. VC
VC, I shall bear your suggestions in mind. Trouble is, I'm not that ambitious - I'd need an agent or PA!
You just need to pick up the phone and make it happen. A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step! VC
Unfortunately it has all been done before.
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