The cap badge of the Irish Guards and the bearskin plume are both based on the star and sky-blue sash colour of the Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick.
The Princess Royal is pictured presenting the Regiment with shamrock.

The centre is surrounded by a circle which bears the legend QUIS SEPARABIT ~ who shall separate ~ and the Roman numerals MDCCLXXXIII ~1783 ~ the year that the Order of St Patrick was established.
First published in November, 2009.
Do you recall being given shamrocks to wear at BHS? It always struck me even then as a slightly idiosyncratic gesture, but I guess it reflected the nature of the school.
Hello J,
Curiously enough, I don't; that said there were a few delightful idiosyncrasies at BHS!
I remember being both surprised and underwhelmed by the shamrocks - they looked like cress, and were wrapped in tinfoil. Pretty tricky to attach to the blazer too. I'm pretty sure this would have been when you were there, you were only a couple of years above me.
There are more recent pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge presenting shamrock to the Irish Guards. Prince William, as I'm sure you know, is Colonel of the regiment.
Indeed Christpher,I really must update it. In the meantime I'll look for an appropriate image of the Cambridges.
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