I dare say that some folks thrive on busy and crowded supermarkets, what with large trolleys causing obstructions; and shoppers chatting to acquaintances in the middle of the aisles. Not his lordship. I positively wilt when it is like this.
I wished to buy a few loose Maris Piper or King Edward potatoes today, in order to roast them; and ended up going on a wild goose chase around east Belfast! In the end, I called into Marks and Spencer's food store at Ballyhackamore and they sold loose Maris Pipers. A bag of them would simply have been too much.
I am eagerly looking forward to eating out at Molly's Yard, a restaurant at College Green Mews, off Botanic Avenue in Belfast next year; perhaps sooner than that. Chekov and John of Food & Drink both speak highly of it. Molly's Yard, sadly, does not have a website or I'd have perused their menus online beforehand.
A Prize for Bravery
2 hours ago
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