What ho! I had an appointment with a Government agency called Go For It, at the East Belfast Enterprise Park this morning in order to discuss Lord Belmont and his Blog.
Nobody would begrudge his lordship making a few pennies in order to keep the home fires burning, would they?
The trick is to keep its integrity, independence, liberty and freedom of expression (viz. my own!) whilst, at the same time, earning a bit for it.
Let's just say that I'm exploring the concept; no more than that.
They're sending me on an intensive three-day course next month, covering such topics as Business Planning; Market Research and Planning; Financial Planning; Managing Finances and Taxation & Book-Keeping - we know why that topic comes last!
I'll keep you posted.
Sir Julian Roger Seymour, CBE 1945-2025
10 hours ago
Depends how you are going to get revenue, I suppose. The only realistic way on the web appears to be from advertising, and that is a hard sell.
Best of luck with it.
This is precisely what I'm thinking, which could be an unrealistic course for his lordship to take!
People have casually mentioned making money out of it; perhaps, though, being hard-headed, It might be easier said than done.
I think perhaps the best thing you could do is a 'spin-off' magazine, or to begin with a Lord Belmont 'annual'. This could have some of your best articles, high resolution pictures, items not put on the website, and interviews with some of your subjects (or their descendents). VC
Or you could organise Lord Belmont coach trips around Northern Ireland, calling by at some hidden gems, and discussing their history? This might be very popular, and welcomed by the odd penniless Lord in need of a new roof! And it would no doubt also provide you with more material for the website, VC
Thanks for all the suggestions! Food for thought.
Good luck with it. You've done a great job so far and, probably unwittingly, developed a very good 'brand'! We all know you're not in it to make money, but I'm sure we'd all be very glad for you to benefit from it, VC
And I've a feeling I'll remain unwitting!
I'll carry on indefinitely, though wouldn't mind a few suggestions for future topics of subjects.
I still have a bit to go on current series.
the last two Ideas have some legs!lol maybe I have some thoughts on the two ideas..... we can chat about them tomorrow xx J.
wouldn't begrudge you a penny M'Lord.
More restaurant reports and/or the best and worst gin and tonics. by the eay try the Potted Hen in St Anns square.
sammy M
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