I like doing my readers favours and spreading the Belmont Gospel, in this case at least. Why? My aunt has been experiencing dreadful problems having a new landline installed by her telecommunications provider, BT.
This issue has been ongoing for weeks, since she moved house in fact.
She phones them and gets the usual series of options; then an Indian call centre, heaven knows where.
Apparently a former BT head honcho once claimed on breakfast television that he regularly received emails from BT customers with grievances; and that he ensured they were dealt with by fast-track.
Well, I don't know about that. Still, here is a website with email addresses of many large corporate CEOs (it might not be entirely up to date); and according to the information ian.livingston@bt.com is BTs boss.
Interesting link. I have it bookmarked for future reference. I remember I heard recently that BT employ a team to scour the web and social sites in order to identify unhappy customers with a view to making contact to try and resolve their issues. Petty they didn't pay attention to the customers who were actually phoning them in the first place. I recently had a 3 month battle with them over their BT Vision product -Resolved eventually. Their argument was - it may not be working properly but you are contracted to pay for it for a year and there is nothing you can do.
That's an awful attitude.
To be fair, I've been with them since time immemorial and I'm content - or satisfied - with their service though I've never felt the need to move house!
How does one "insist" on a reply" from a CEO? Is there a polite way to do that? If you said "I wish a personal response" enough or whatever?
just ask him nicely for his imput as you are increasingly frustrated in resolving this problem.... j XX
lol now you have a name why not ring head office and ask for him... give your name as LB and Im sure he would deal with it personally.... if not let me ring Annabel and get Zac onto it .....J.
Thanks J!
If you're on Twitter then they have a customer care account there which seems fairly responsive:
Having said that, we are fed up with BT and are currently in the process of moving to Virgin Media.
Great, though my aunt tells me that she thinks she'll transfer to TalkTalk now.
Please ,please do not
I would not advise anyone to use Talk Talk -friends and family who have been with them have had no end of trouble. They 'promise the earth' but their customer services is AWFUL.They scored very badly in a recent survey I read .My advice to your dear Aunt is stay with B.T. -Better the devil you know.
Kind Regards.
I'll tell her that, if she hasn't already joined.
My family and I have never had a good experience with BT, my dad's line to his house physically snapped and it took them an age to reconnect it.
When I once had internet access on dial up with them their customer service was unhelpful to say the least, we had a better idea at the time about what the issue was than their technical support pay per minute line.
I've never used them since, even line rental, just went cable and never looked back. Like most great British companies of the past, my opinion is that they should never have privatised - the only winners seem to have been shareholders.
Re BT, I agree too - family silver etc and ought to have remained state-controlled (as should Royal Mail!).
I have record of Hunt-Walsh/ Upton relations at "Upton Family Records"(1893) by William Henry Upton... View for free at "The Internet Archive". p. 131.
William was my great grand father or uncle...still sorting that out.
Do you have anything to do with Castle Coole?
Mark Upton
olympia WA USA
Mark, I have no connection with the Earls of Belmore at Castle Coole. Tim.
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