I've gone ahead and ordered a new Canon Powershot A480 digital camera. Frankly, I Don't have a huge interest in photography, seldom - if ever - taking a camera with me on holidays; though the current camera simply doesn't have a large enough memory. I use it for the blog.
I've read enough about the little Canon to know that it is straightforward, easy to use and very good value for the money. I have a collection of SD memory cards, which should do the trick.
Hope it works well for you! Maybe you could upload a photo of some scampi and chips next time you are privy to this fine feast! Remember, you have several viewers from overseas, I'm sure they would all like to see what they are missing!
All the best to you and your family over Christmas,
I'll be delighted to do that, just so long as I remember to bring the camera!
It should arrive very soon: today perhaps.
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