Congratulations to the Most Excellent the Duchess of Alba de Tormes, who is to re-marry today, I have learned. It is said that the extremely wealthy Duchess is to marry a civil servant 24 years her junior.
According to Guinness World Records, the Duchess - whose full name is Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva - has more titles recognised by an existing government than any other nobility.
She has wealth to match, with estates, palaces and treasures including art masterpieces estimated to be worth up to £3 billion.
A mere 30-60 people are thought to be attending the lunchtime service today in the chapel of the Duchess's 15th century Palacio de las Duenas in Seville, Spain.
Lady Ellinor Caroline Gordon Lennox 1952-2025
3 hours ago
Goodness Timothy, very carless of you to publish this so early in the day. Was just siting down with my tea and muffin and thought, lets check His Lordships blog. I hit the button and when this article appeared I jumped back from the screen so quickly, the muffin fell from my mouth and into the china. Quite a shock!
Methinks there's been more than the Titles created here.
Her plastic surgeon should be shot!
According to last weekend's Telegraph she has descent from James II and some genealogists believe this may give her precedence over HM The Queen.
Ken! Well, I was so tempted to elaborate; however discretion prevented me from jollying down that track.
You have done it for me! Ha ha!
She was a stunner in her day.
...which, one fears, was some time ago.
well the the toy boy gets none of her wealth its been all tied up with her family as they were worried about the new husband's plans lol so he will live well until she passes. I'm pleased all her homes etc. will stay within the family as it has one of the best and longest lines in europe and it will be good for it not to be passed to a none blood nobody as such.
The duchess also has an Ulster connection; she is goddaughter to Lady Tana Focke (one of the duchess's first names in Cayetana), sister of the Earl of Caledon.
Jonathan, don't you mean god-mother? If not, Lady Tana Focke must be extremely ancient. VC
Uh oh, chronic typo VC! Correct, she is Lady Tana's godmother.
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