I expect you are thinking Timothy Belmont has taken leave of his senses, given that I braved the elements and cycled into Belfast this morning. A headwind restrained me going; a tailwind eased the journey homewards.
That Northern Ireland Roads Disservice, or whatever they call themselves, ought to receive a robust kick where it hurts; or, to emulate Jeremy Clarkson, those in charge ought to be lined up against a wall and bombarded with pellets. The standard of the carriageway on Mersey Street is a disgrace to humanity.
Now that I have my little rant over, I feel better. I ventured into the Linenhall Library, the subject today being the Fetherston Baronets and the Barony of Barrymore.
Later I ambled across to Marks and Spencer for some groceries.
In a second-hand book emporium in North Street, I found a pristine Penguin classic, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, a bargain at £2.
Lady Jane Annabelle Howard 1947-2025
5 hours ago
I have to agree Lord B the roads are an absolute disgrace and then the few side streets that are semi decent they have the nerve to put speed bumps in to slow you down and wreck your car even furthur!!!!!
Our roads have been ruined by speed humps.
somebody should do the populace a favour by levelling them at night with a JCB digger. ;-)
And isn't that secondhand book shop in North Street one of Belfast's hidden treasures!
Indeed. The chap who runs it was chatting to a customer about his sons not being interested in it.
I got the impression that he's making a satisfactory living and ticking over nicely.
a little like myself..... the books are selling quite well at the min. i listed one yesterday and it seems to be the only one available to purchase. Its a little pamphlet style book by George Awdry, titled, The Richard III Society the First Fifty Years a Personal Account, it seems a very interesting book, must have been privately published as there is no printing history.
Lady J.
Lol btw, did you know North street is not this street original name? Its previous name was Goose Lane! LJ. xx
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