Timothy Belmont is glad to report that the old household is ahead of itself this year. Christmas cards have been acquired and prepared for dispatch; the Christmas decorations and tree are all in hand also. Several cards can be delivered by hand.
Hallelujah and praise be to Mankind!
I have feeling that this is the final week of term at the old school, so my beloved swimming ceases till the New Year.
PS - Incorrect, Belmont! The Club remains open till the 16th inst.
Lady Jane Annabelle Howard 1947-2025
4 hours ago
ooooo so decs will be up for friday? heehee x me
Mrs Blake the housekeeper is a god-send. :-)
I say old boy!! They do work these young chaps exceedingly hard these days, back in my day by the 16th we would have been off for at least a week and another 3 or 4 weeks to look forward to, what!? Maybe the new chap will sort a few things out!!!
We live in hope. ;-)
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