A brief walk along Bangor's main pier this afternoon really brightened up my day. Lining part of its edge and chatting to each other, making their soft, plaintive cries were Bangor's population of black guillemots. Their residence in Bangor, County Down, is largely due, in great part, to the diligent efforts of the RSPB and others. Black guillemots have been visiting the resort since 1911.
Do pay a visit to Bangor to view these wonderful little birds. Their cries are as captivating as the conspicuousness of their bright red feet and sooty plumage. They seemed content for me to stand within a few yards of them.
I forgot to bring my camera with me, as usual, so credit to Ladyb for the picture.
We motored on in the baby two-seater towards Donaghadee, where we donned the feed-bags for some glorious grub at Donaghadee Garden Centre. Today I had the beef-steak pie with mash, carrots and turnip; while the Dowager scooped up a load of Irish stew. Tip-top; busy, though, which is always a good sign.
We drove homewards via Jollye's pet-food store. I needed to replenish the wild bird-seed; since my goldfinches sit at the feeders most of the day eating his lordship out of house and home. The little tits and greenfinches are fond of black sunflower seeds, too. 20kg of nyjer-seeds set me back £34.99; while 13kg of black sunflower seeds cost £12.49.
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