Today Sir Alan Sugar has been ennobled with a seat in the House of Lords. He becomes a life peer in a new creation as the Right Honourable Alan Michael Baron Sugar (of Clapton).
Gawd help us. Lord and Lady Sugar; whatever next? I hope he doesn't expect us to bow and doff the cap every time he is driven to Parliament in his limousine.
Employees, he must be addressed as "your lordship". It's a pity that his title doesn't expire along with Gordon Brown's term of office.
Hi, just looking over some of your older posts and note that you incorrectly elevated Lord Sugar to the Privy Council (as Right Honourable).
Otherwise, enjoy the new motor. It looks great.
Hi Gavin,
That is his legal style in fact.
All Earls, Viscounts and Barons - and their spouses - are technically entitled to use the prefix Right Honourable.
If they are Privy Cousellors, the letters PC follow their name.
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