Saturday, 16 November 2013

Whalley's Scone

A small cup of regular coffee with a freshly-baked fruit scone, butter, raspberry jam and thick cream.

I have to say that it was very good indeed.

Whalley's Cafė is at High Street, Holywood, County Down, near the may-pole.

Unfortunately wi-fi still seems to be unobtainable here; even BT wi-fi.


Anonymous said...

Holywood Free Wifi is available throughout the town, without having to avail of local establishments. Also, the Dirty Duck always has their password behind the bar.

Clare McLaughlin Aghadowey said...

Looks yummy :). Hope ur well

Timothy Belmont said...

I tried the Holywood public wifi in Whalley's, though alas it wouldn't connect om the iPad. The DD is my favourite establishment in the town! I used to frequent it regularly with a chum who's now moved on to the state of matrimony!

Hi Claire! Truly sorry I haven't been in touch. Email me at for an update. Txox